Thursday, July 19, 2007

fourth meeting. .

1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?
I feel great knowing that I'm that person with many good qualities. I became aware of the attitudes that I need to improve and develop. I also realize that every quality of a person is very important, this will enable a person to become what he wanted to be.

2. The Golden Rule says, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."

a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:
-when you have given wrong answers to the questions during recitation;
It would be a very embarassing moment for me if that would happen. Of course I want my mentor not to embarass me as well as with my classmates but instead to tell me the correct answer in a nice way.
- when you are expressing your opinion during class or group discussion;
I will share with them my opinions its up to my groupmates if they are going to accept my opinions. But of course I want my opinion to be respected and in return I will also respect others opinions.
- when you are giving suggestions during group work or presentation;
I also want them to respect my suggestions.
- when you commit mistake;
I'm actually afraid of commiting mistakes because I always think that people will laugh at me and I really have a hard time to forget the time that people will make fun of me. I really hate that!
- when you don't like doing what they ask you to do;
I will tell tem honestly that I dont want to do what they want me to do but on the other hand i am working with a group I will help them. maybe it's time for me to do the things that I dont like.
- when they want to give you comments or suggestions?
It's good to know that people around me are giving comments or suggestions it only proves that they are concern with my welfare. I accept it wether their comments are bad or good.

b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with restpect what can you commit to yourself in terms of dealing with the MCL commmunity: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?
Respect is a very important value to every person. I will respect their personalities so that they will also respect as a student here at MCL. I will also respect different rules and regulations of this community. I will respect all as a part of this college.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

*How does Values Education work to your advantage?
Values education is a very important matter. this helps an individual to maintain and develop his/her personalities. This can build up our selves to become a better person. MCL students are very fortunate that this school is currently teaching values education. This can be a stepping stone for us to have a brighter future. Our values can help us lift in an industry. That's why this is advantage for me. This serve as a training for us, students.
*After you have process your first new experiences t MCL, in what ways this will help you achieve succesful adjustment in college?
Malayan Colleges Laguna is a big community, therefore I really need to adjust. The staff of MCL are really very friendly and approachable that's why it was not o hard for me to adjust. Professors trained us very well. They also help us to cope with the adjustments we need to cope with. It really feels great to be part of the Alpha batch of MCL.

VaLueS edUcatiOn. .

Self Evaluation:
1. How was your first week of stay at MCL? How do you feel about your teachers and schoolmates? How do you find your courses? What sort of adjustment you will stall have to meet in terms of your academics, emotions, and social environment?
I was really impressed during the first week of my stay here at Malayan Colleges Laguna. This is the only time where I can enjoy the special features of this college and to know more about MCL. I feel very shy during the first day of classes, wherein I need to socialize to other people that I didn't know very well. But as time goes by we get to know each other and develop our friendship as we begin the knew chapter of our lives. From there on we get closer to one another. Our professors teaches a high quality of education just like what is stated in the mission and vision of this campus. Some are very strict and use to give us many exercises and works to do for s to develop our skills and become an excellent professionals someday. Regarding my schoolmates, well, everyone are very friendly. Some of my courses are really hard and difficult. I felt this way maybe because I'm still coping up with the adjustments. In terms of academics there is a big adjustment,. In my previous school, late home works and projects are accepted but now it's not, a bigger span of time is given by the teacher to do certain exercises and quizzes but here again it's not. when it regards to my social environment i also need to adjust, since I was in a bigger campus, i will be exposed to a more complicated community. because of that i should learn to socialize well with others. there are really many adjustment for me as i enter my college life. Well, i hope I could make it..
2. How would you like your first year in college be? What specifically you have to do to achieve this desires?
Of course,first and foremost I want to have high marks as i finish the first term here at MCL or even up to my fifth year here in all courses. I also want to meet and gain more friends since I was in a bigger community. I want my first year of stay here to become a fruitful one wherein I can learn a lot of things.I want that my stay here would be as great as that of my high school, exciting events and opportunities. To achieve the wants of course a should set up my do's. I would really give my best and work as hard as i can so that I would be able to have high grades. I would be friendly to everyone to be able to have friends. I will also maximize my time to be able to accomplish works on time.My college life is in my hands and I have to work for my own desires so that I can be an excellent professional in the near future!!