Thursday, August 30, 2007

- tenth meeting -

1. cite an experience wherein you experience negative peer pressure.
*my high school friends are good. but sometimes they wanted to make 'gala' even the day before our examinations. I can't say no to them, so most of the time I can't sleep on time because I need to review for the exams. But sometimes this has good effects on me because I forgot all the problems that i have encountered.
2. how did you react to it? why?
*I just join them because they promised me that we are going home early because they also need to review ou lessons, sometimes we conduct a group study.
3. what did you feel about your reaction and decision?
*it's alright with me, because I have fun when I'm with them. And I didn't fail the exam so it's okay.
4.what have you learned from your experience?
*We should always decide for ourselves and not our friends or anyone.

- third meeting -

1. Right your thoughts/reflections about the freshmen night using the guide questions below:
a. what were the things scenes and events you have seen during the Freshmen Night?
* the Mapua Concert singers sang a very heart warming song. they seraenade us, the alpha batch of Malayan Colleges Laguna. Bands are also present but unexpectedly rain pours so most of the students stayed at the cafeteria, on the other hands some don't mind it and just continue watching.
b.what were your feelings/emotions during the event?
*I really have a goodtime listening to the choir and the bands. It was fun!
c.What did you like most if the event?
*I like the mom's cake, they are very funny. The choir was very good too. Their voice was great!
d. what did you dislike during the event?
*when it rains..
e. what have you realized/learned from this experience?
*I learned that we should sometimes have fun and time for ourselves so that we can relieve our stress.
f. any remarks for the MCL administrators.
*they really give their full efforts to make us happy.

2. write a reflection about your significant classroom experience during the past few days at MCL.
*evryday of my stay at our classroom at MCl seems to be a significant or a memorable one. my classmates was very funy and they never make our courses boring. They never let anyone to be sad.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

- FiFth MeeTiNg -

"The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished"

Entering my college life is one of the most challenging thing that I think I have already accomplished. During the first day of classes, I was afraid that people aound me would not like me. I'm afraid that that I cannot gain friends like during my high school days.
Well, i think I've already overcome those fears. I realize that I can gain as many friends as I can considering that I am in a bigger campus gight now. I knew that I can do a lot of things which I haven't done before. I gain a lot of self-confidence but not over because I knew that I cannot gain something I want without self-confidence.
I considered this as my accomplishment because this is something that I worked har for. This is something that I can treasure for the rest of my life, something that I can be proud of, and something that I can share to anyone..

Thursday, August 16, 2007

eight meeting(honesty)

I. Challenge yourself
Choose a challenge:
a. Tell the truth
b. Return recovered things (personal items, money, etc)
c. Admit mistake
d. Return excess change
e. Avoid cheating
On your journal, process your experience with the aid of the following guide questions:
a. What challenge did you take?
* admit mistake
b. Were you able to do the challenge? How do you feel about it?
* Yes. i feel great and fulfilled because, I am able to meet the demands of the challenge.
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?
* I learned that we all make mistakes and we need to admit it because we need to be a good example to the young ones.

sixth meeting...(competene and exellence)

1. For one week, challenge yourself to:
a. Get high score in a quiz or seatwork,
b. To recite in class at least once in any courses;
c. To submit a quality assignment or requirement

On your journal, process your experience with the aid of the following guide questions:
a. What challenge did you take?
*I challenge myself to get a high score in a quiz or in a seatwork.
b. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
*yes, i am able to beat the challenge. I feel very satisfied tha I am able to meet the challenge and I prove o myself that i can do many things, I just need o trust myself.
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?
*I learned tha everybody needs self-confidence in order for them to get their wants. they need to trust themselves, just like what I have done. We need to strive hard to attain he success hat we wan to achieve.